Crank it UP!

Crank it UP!

The first edition of the Bomba Bomba Crank it UP! Tournament was a blast. The event was hosted at the Bomba Bomba Boutique, where riders raced indoor, 1 on 1, on an indoor Wahoo KICKR on a segment of 900m with 5% elevation. The rules were simple, the fastest (most watts/kg) rider would win the unique Bomba Bomba Trophy ! In total we had 25 riders attend. and they all gave it a full 200%. Coming in hot was Roel van Eekelen at 1.39 ! 

A big thanks to the team of 2MOSO whom did a great job co-hosting this event. 

Hope to see everyone again next time!! 

See you on the road!

Crank it UP! 

Crank it UP! 

Crank it UP! 


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