Meet Captain Frank van 't Hof

Meet Captain Frank van 't Hof
This self proclaimed captain has been riding bikes since 1997 when his
neighbour (the legendary ice skater Rien de Roon) saw him riding against
the wind to school on his old-lady bike and told his father to buy him a
racing bike. His first training schedule was 'go late to school in the
morning and arrive on time, return to home at the end of the day with an
extra hour of slow pacing'.

From there he has been around in the world of bikes. Racing in teams,
Riding all kind of bikes ( you might see him riding on tandems or
tallbikes in the city), doing multiple day adventures, working for the
magazine Wieler Revue and multiple bikebrands, racing the legendary
classics, and his favorite: riding in the Belgium classic crit/cross

It's not all fun and games, he took some distance from cycling between
2019 and 2020 after he felt a bit of a cycling burn-out, but eventually
he hopped back on and has been a part of BombaBomba family eversince.

For now he's gonna keep on doing the thursday-night-rides but keep an
eye open in the BombeBomba whatsappgroup. He might pull out one of his
legendary 'Frank's party-rides' where he hosts a ride for friends and
family to show off his ridiculous training routes when he was racing....

Frank is a KNWU trainer cat 4 and is a teacher-trainer for the NTFU.
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